About the Journal

Small Carnivore Conservation is the peer-reviewed journal of the IUCN SSC Small Carnivore Specialist Group. The journal is open access and we do not charge any publication fees.

The journal’s focus is about:

  • Ailuridae (red pandas)
  • Eupleridae (the Malagasy carnivores)
  • Herpestidae (mongooses, including the Meerkat)
  • Mephitidae (stink badgers and skunks)
  • Mustelidae (weasels, badgers, and their allies, except the otters – see below)
  • Nandiniidae (African Palm-civet)
  • Prionodontidae (linsangs)
  • Procyonidae (coatis, raccoons and their allies)
  • Viverridae (civets and genets, including the oyans or ‘African linsangs’)

It does not cover cats (Felidae), dogs (Canidae), or otters (Lutrinae, a subfamily of Mustelidae) as these taxa are covered by other IUCN SSC specialist groups and their journals. However, the journal does publish ‘by-catch’ data on these three taxa from camera-trapping, surveys and observations as part of a manuscript that is focused primarily on one (or more) of the nine small carnivore families listed above. 

The majority of small carnivores are very poorly known and researched; anything that has the potential to inform small carnivore conservation will be considered for publication. Some examples include:

  • basic observations of natural history;
  • locality records, particularly from little-known species and/or little-known areas;
  • survey results of animals in the wild and/or in trade;
  • threat documentation, including of novel or potential threats;
  • reviews of new or improved methods for detecting small carnivores;
  • critical assessments or reviews of current methods;
  • taxonomic and nomenclatural reviews;
  • identification criteria reviews;
  • museum holdings;
  • insight from zoos, including the development of conservation breeding programmes;
  • legal and policy aspects relevant to these animals, including changes to protected area status;
  • lessons (positive and negative) learned from conservation programmes;
  • whole- or part-range conservation status assessments of single or multiple species;
  • academic research;
  • and translations of relevant material from languages other than English.

Current Issue

Vol. 62 (2024)
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