Long Night of Sciences


Unterhalten Sie sich mit einem Roboter

Am Zuse-Institut Berlin haben wir die Leistung von GPT 4.0 genutzt, dem neuesten Large Language Model, entwickelt von OpenAI, um einen reaktionsfähigen Chatbot zu...

Unterhalten Sie sich mit einem Roboter
Jugend forscht

Einblick in die Zukunft der Wissenschaft!

Berliner Nachwuchsforscher:innen zu Gast am Zuse-Institut Berlin (ZIB) Jedes Jahr stürzen sich junge Talente aus Berlin in aufregende Abenteuer bei den bundesweiten...

Einblick in die Zukunft der Wissenschaft!

Cargo-Kult trifft auf große Sprachmodelle: Entmystifizierung von KI?

Prof. Pokutta, Vizepräsident des Zuse-Institut Berlin, beleuchtet künstliche Intelligenz und die Fähigkeiten, die ihr zugeschrieben werden. Diese wirken zum Teil fast...

Cargo-Kult trifft auf große Sprachmodelle: Entmystifizierung von KI?
NHR Führung

Supercomputing am ZIB - Beginn 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00 Uhr

Am ZIB arbeitet einer der schnellsten Supercomputer der Welt, das System Lise. Als Rechenzentrum im Verbund für Nationales Hochleistungsrechnen (NHR) steht er...

Supercomputing am ZIB - Beginn 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00 Uhr
Kann Mathematik Gesichter malen?

Kann Mathematik Gesichter malen?

Aus Ihrem Foto werden zwei Porträts: Das erste entsteht mit nur einem Zug, ohne den Stift abzusetzen. Dazu wird Ihr Foto auf wenige Tausend Punkte reduziert, die dann...

Kann Mathematik Gesichter malen?
Schwarmverhalten & Meinungsdynamik

Schwarmverhalten & Meinungsdynamik – Mathe erklärt soziale Interaktion

Was haben Fischschwärme und Meinungsdynamiken gemeinsam? Entdecke die faszinierende Welt der sozialen Dynamik und lerne aktuelle Forschungsprojekte am ZIB kennen, bei...

Schwarmverhalten & Meinungsdynamik – Mathe erklärt soziale Interaktion


40 Jahre gold

40 Years Zuse Institute Berlin

In 2024, the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) celebrates its 40th anniversary with a selected series of high-profile events. Since its foundation in 1984, the ZIB has…

40 Years Zuse Institute Berlin

Gioni Mexi and Coauthors win CPAIOR Best Student Paper Award

Gioni Mexi and his coauthors Somayeh Shamsi, Mathieu Besancon, and Pierre Le Bodic won the Best Student Paper Award at the 21 st International Conference on the…

Gioni Mexi and Coauthors win CPAIOR Best Student Paper Award

BMBF and DESY visit Research Campus MODAL

BMBF’s Department 711 and Projektträger DESY visited the Research Campus MODAL on May 27th/28th, 2024. With a guided tour of the FUBIC construction site, a tour of the…

BMBF and DESY visit Research Campus MODAL
Pedro Maristany defends thesis at FU Berlin

Pedro Maristany defends thesis at FU Berlin

Pedro Maristany de las Casas successfully defended his dissertation “ New Multiobjective Shortest Path Algorithms“ at the Institute of Mathematics at Freie Universität…

Pedro Maristany defends thesis at FU Berlin
NRH@ZIB's Lise system at rank 3 in IO500 using DAOS

NHR@ZIB's Lise system at rank 3 in IO500 using DAOS

During the ISC High Performance 2024 conference, the recent IO500 lists were announced which rank computer systems by their storage performance. Lise, the HPC system…

NHR@ZIB's Lise system at rank 3 in IO500 using DAOS
Förderprogramm digiS

Apply for project funding for the digitisation of Berlin's cultural heritage

The call for proposals for the "Funding Programme for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage Objects of the State of Berlin" of the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und…

Apply for project funding for the digitisation of Berlin's cultural heritage


Tensor Methods for Quantum Simulation

Workshop on Tensor Methods for Quantum Simulation (TMQS2024)

Explore the transformative potential of tensor methods for quantum simulation! Discover how tensor decompositions revolutionize the study of high-dimensional quantum…

Workshop on Tensor Methods for Quantum Simulation (TMQS2024)
TES Mathematics for Quantum Technologies

Seminar: Quantum Sensing with Ultra-Cold Atoms

The Quantum Seminar is part of the Thematic Einstein Semester Mathematics for Quantum Technologies, funded by the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ and by the Einstein…

Seminar: Quantum Sensing with Ultra-Cold Atoms
40 Years Zuse Institute Berlin

Scientific Conference from June 11 to 13

The year 2024 marks four decades of groundbreaking research, collaboration, and innovation for the ZIB. With a scientific conference, that will be held June 11 to June 13…

Scientific Conference from June 11 to 13
Quantum Optimization Working Group Event_Bild2

Quantum Optimization Working Group Event

“The Optimization Quantum working group aims to accelerate the state-of-the-art in quantum optimization by establishing an ambitious research agenda for achieving (near…

Quantum Optimization Working Group Event
Long night of sciences

Long Night of the Sciences 2024

On June 22, 2024 the upcoming Long Night of the Sciences 2024 takes place. The ZIB programme is published here: www.zib.de/lndw A review of the online presentation of…

Long Night of the Sciences 2024
17th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices, 2025

17th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices (AMPD2025)

On 02-04 April 2025, the "17th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices" will take place at Zuse Institute Berlin.

17th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices (AMPD2025)

Project Selection

MATH+ Thematic Einstein Semester 2024


The Thematic Einstein Semester “Mathematics for Quantum Technologies” aims to shed light on the mathematical aspects of the rapidly developing fields of quantum...



Within this interdisciplinary, collaborative research project, we will develop mathematical and algorithmic solutions for analyzing adzes/axes and grinding stones -...



 Scholarly communication is facing a radical change with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. A disruptive change of the whole system seems possible...


AA1-19 Drug Candidates as Pareto Optima in Chemical Space

The search for novel drug candidates that, at the same time, act with high efficacy, comply with defined chemical properties, and also show low off-target effects can be...

AA1-19 Drug Candidates as Pareto Optima in Chemical Space
HPC and Machine Learning for Drug Discovery

HPC and ML for Drug Discovery

High-performance computers are required to simulate complex systems that allow to study the behavior of molecules under real conditions. This project combines artificial...

HPC and ML for Drug Discovery
Model-regularized Learning of Complex Dynamical Behavior

Model-Regularized Learning Of Complex Dynamical Behavior

This project is planned to couple machine learning approaches, especially from the field of Deep Learning, with (reduced) ODE models in the sense that the model becomes...

Model-Regularized Learning Of Complex Dynamical Behavior
