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Volltext online seit: 1997
Verlag: Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics
Erscheinungsweise: Volltext, Online und Druckausgabe
Kosten: kostenlos
Anmerkung: America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2002, developed by the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, is the sixth annual synthesis of information on the status of the Nation's most valuable resource, our children. This report presents 24 key indicators of the well-being of children. These indicators are monitored through official Federal statistics covering children's economic security, health, behavior and social environment, and education. The report also presents data on eight key contextual measures and includes a special feature showing children of at least one foreign-born parent. The 20 agencies of the Forum have also introduced improvements in the measurement of several of the indicators presented last year
ZDB-Nummer: 2113187-9

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