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Journal of International Women's Studies

Volltext online seit: 2000
Verlag: Bridgewater State College, Department of Sociology/Anthropology
Erscheinungsweise: Volltext, nur online
Kosten: kostenlos
ISSN (Onlineausgabe): 1539-8706
Anmerkung: The Journal of International Women's Studies is an on-line, peer reviewed journal that provides a forum for scholars, activists, and students to explore the relationship between feminist theory and various forms of organizing. The journal seeks both multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, and invites submissions in the form of scholarly articles, student papers and literary pieces. Through its diverse collection, the journal aims to create an opportunity for building bridges across the conventional divides of scholarship and activism; "western" and "third world" feminisms; professionals and students; men and women. Toward this end, the editors encourage responses to previous submissions in forthcoming editions, facilitated by the journal's on-line format.
ZDB-Nummer: 2104242-1

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