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Economic and Financial Policy Review

Volltext online seit: Jg. 1, Heft 1, 2002
Volltext online bis: Jg. 3, Heft 2, 2004
Verlag: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Erscheinungsweise: Volltext, nur online
Kosten: kostenlos
ISSN (Onlineausgabe): 1936-4326
Anmerkung: Economic and Financial Policy Review is the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' primary research publication. Written with economic analysts and the academic community in mind, the Review draws contributions primarily from senior staff in the Dallas Fed's Research and Financial Industry Studies departments. Review, now available as a purely electronic publication, will contain articles centered specifically on issues in contemporary economic and financial policy, based on solid economic research and written at a level that is accessible to a nontechnical audience. Erscheinen eingestellt
ZDB-Nummer: 2070895-6

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