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Journal de l'École Polytechnique — Mathématiques (2014 - )

Volltext online seit: Jg. 1, 2014
Verlag: École polytechnique ; CNRS ; Université Joseph Fourier ; CEDRAM
Erscheinungsweise: Volltext, nur online
Kosten: kostenlos
ISSN (Onlineausgabe): 2270-518X
Anmerkung: Access policy: The articles of the JEP are published online. The JEP follows a true Open Access policy: The access is freely available on the CEDRAM platform, a program of MathDoc (CNRS and Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble)). It benefits of a high quality technical support, which allows for a wide visibility (referencing by CrossRef, MathSciNet and Zentralblatt) as well as a permanent archiving on the NUMDAM archive. No fee is required to authors or their institutions in order to publish their work.
ZDB-Nummer: 2818933-4

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